Month March 2021

Intermission, March 2021

We warily approach the back end of March, which can only mean that it’s time to review the movies that have crossed our paths this month. Tune in for our takes on The Mauritanian, Ride Your Wave, and Minari. Download… Continue Reading →

The Thing(s) from Another World (on a train)

Who Goes There? Well, various alien Things, naturally. We shapeshift through four takes on the novella with The Thing from Another World, Horror Express, John Carpenter’s The Thing, and its 2011 prequel/remake. Join us as we test them with some… Continue Reading →

Howard Hawks

We take a hopefully representative cross section of Howard Hawks’ voluminous output and run it through our extensive analytical suite to determine the truth of it. Join us as we poke and prod at Scarface, His Girl Friday, Sergeant York,… Continue Reading →

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