Month January 2017

Intermission, January 2017

It’s that time of the month again, where we round up the movies roaming the multiplex and streaming plains and brand them with our unique opinions. This time around, we corral A Monster Calls, Snowden, Hands of Stone, The Lobster,… Continue Reading →

Compare:Contrast – Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and Dead or Alive

Movie adaptations of video games have a hard won reputation for being entirely dreadful, as evidenced by, well, all of them. Puzzlingly, one of the most popular genres for plundering is the one on one fighting game, where any plot… Continue Reading →

Films of the Year 2016

A new year stretches out in front of us, and the way things are going it’s probably humanity’s last. Before we deal with that carnival of terror, let’s look back at the best and the worst films we caught during… Continue Reading →

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